by ZU Digital with the support of UNESCO MGIEP
World Rescue is a narrative, research-based video-game inspired by the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. Through fast-paced gameplay set in Kenya, Norway, Brazil, India, and China, you will meet and help five young heroes and help them solve global problems—such as displacement, disease, deforestation, drought, and pollution—at the community level. After all, it’s young global citizens like you who have the power to lead us to a more sustainable world!
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Characters of the game

Sanya is a young agricultural scientist from India who has been assigned to work with a farming community to help them cope with the effects of climate change. When a huge flood hits the village, Sanya uses her experience to bring the villagers a package of new technologies that can help them rebuild and improve their livelihood.
Amana is an indigenous 13-year-old girl who loves and respects her rainforest home in Brazil and is worried about its future. When bull dozers arrive in her community, the impact of deforestation hits close to home and Ama takes action to save her precious trees and successfully turn it into a protected reserve.

Salim is an 18-year-old Somali student who came to Kenya as a refugee and lives in a refugee camp (inspired by Dadaab). He loves football and often lends a helping hand to his mother who is doctor at the medical clinic by helping new refugees transition from “relief to recovery.” When there’s a cholera outbreak, Salim helps create a community action plan to prevent future infectious disease outbreaks.
Hana is a corporate lawyer and single mother in Oslo, Norway who is committed to teaching her son how to be an environmentally conscious young citizen. When her son is hospitalized with lethal food poisoning, Hana discovers, to her surprise, that one of her firm’s clients—a paper mill factory—is responsible for mercury dumping in fresh waters. She sets out to collect evidence so that she can bring the company to justice.

Liang is an auto factory manager in Ghuangzhou, China who is tasked with the job to increase output for his car factory and improve its bottom line. As output increases, however, Liang notices that so are by-products of waste and air pollution, as well as health problems. When a fire breaks out in the factory, Liang sets out to restructure the factory for a more sustainable, greener future.
An activist and a researcher living in the United States, Professor Morris is a leading expert on global development issues with a special passion for the environment. She was instrumental in creating the Global Sustainable Development Goals for the United Nations and teaches at a well-known university where she mentors young activists who promise to change the world and work towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

The UNESCO Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development is UNESCO’s first Category 1 institute in the Asia-Pacific region with a focus on education for peace and sustainable development to foster global citizenship. Through youth networks and emphasis on developing innovative ICT-based pedagogies, as well as initiatives in rethinking curricula, MGIEP has positioned itself as a leading institute for transformative learning for peace and sustainable development.
Read more about UNESCO MGIEP’s work.
About the Gaming Challenge
In 2014, UNESCO MGIEP launched its first international Gaming Challenge, inviting proposals for video games that promote peace, sustainable development and global citizenship. The challenge received 104 entries from 36 countries, including 32 inter-country collaborations. In October 2015, after a rigorous process of mentoring by our internationally acclaimed Jury, World Rescue was chosen as the winning game design document.
Literary Safari
Literary Safari is the research and narrative design team behind the characters and stories in World Rescue. Based in New York, Literary curates, produces, and publishes educational content and children’s apps inspired by the 4 C’s of 21st century education—Creativity, Critical Thinking, Communication, and Collaboration. We are deeply committed to producing inclusive projects that celebrate literacy, play, problem-solving, diversity, global connections, and storytelling.
Read more about Literary Safari.
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